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St Mark's CE

Primary School

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At St Mark's Primary School, we believe that geography is vital in supporting our pupils’ knowledge of their local and wider community and enables them to better relate and appreciate the different perspectives and lives that people live around the world. Children are encouraged to think and explore as Geographers and to develop a greater understanding and appreciation for the world and their place within it.


Geography is taught progressively in blocks throughout the year, so that children are fully emersed in their learning and can access skills at a deeper level. As our school is composed of smaller mixed-aged classes, we have devised a yearly cycle of outcomes to ensure coverage across the EYFS and both Key Stages. This provides additional opportunities for pupils to revisit learning and ensure that knowledge is fully embedded and secured. Cross Curricular learning is at the heart of our planning as we feel it creates meaningful links that help to enhance and support pupils’ learning and their understanding of different concepts.


As children progress through the school, they a develop deep knowledge, understanding and appreciation for their local community, as well as the wider world. Planning for the curriculum incorporates opportunities for children to explore in more detail a wide range of cultures and places through themed days as well as visits to local places of interest. Children leave our school with respect for other cultures and a secure knowledge of current and past world events and larger scale factors affecting our environment and different countries around the world. This ensures that our pupils are well-prepared for the next steps in their education.


