At St Mark’s school we believe that a high-quality physical education curriculum inspires all pupils to succeed and excel in competitive sport and other physically demanding activities. Physical education should provide opportunities for pupils to become physically confident and support their health and fitness. We provide opportunities for pupils to compete in sport and other activities build character and embed values such as fairness and respect.
Physical education at our school is taught according to the statutory programmes of study for National Curriculum subjects.
Our curriculum is based on the new Lancashire Scheme of work. This broad curriculum focuses on skill development and basic tactics in KS1 and application of these in KS2.
We provide the following areas of experience as identified in the National Curriculum. These are
Children in all year groups take part in a minimum of two hours of physical education each week during which time the curriculum is delivered. Although each class teacher is responsible for teaching PE to their class, currently, as part of the PE Premium Government Initiative, we have bought into the West Lancashire Sport Partnership which provides qualified coaches to deliver curriculum PE to all year groups.
During the Autumn and Spring terms swimming and water safety lessons are delivered weekly by qualified swimming teachers to pupils in year 3 to year 6.