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St Mark's CE

Primary School

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Personal, Social, Health and Citizenship Education enables pupils to become healthy, independent and responsible members of society. It encourages pupils to develop skills, attitudes and values that will influence their whole life. It includes such diverse areas as the environment, making responsible choices, financial awareness, keeping safe and being healthy. PSHE is taught as a subject and through other areas of the curriculum such as Science, Religious Education, Literacy and Collective Worship. 


At St Mark's we follow the Scarf Scheme to deliver a broad, engaging and creative curriculum that fully engages our pupils and provides them with the opportunity to build character and resilience, improve emotional and physical health and most of all to become well-rounded individuals who positively impact those around them. It provides the opportunities for the children to acquire the foundational principles and skills that will improve their mental health, relationships and academic achievement and links clearly with our existing Christian ethos that is at the heart of St Mark's School. 

