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Primary School

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Easter celebrations


As a school community, we have been thinking all about Holy Week during a special celebration day. The children came into school dressed as friend’s of Jesus. We began the day with a wonderful church service, followed by an exciting egg hunt. We had a special Easter feast where we thought about the last supper. We washed each others feet and remembered Jesus’ message of equality and kindness. Finally we paraded around the playground with palm leaves just as they did for Our Lord. 

Year 6 at End of Term Christmas Service 2024

St Mark's School Church Assembly Dates




Reverend Eileen Heaney will be leading our Church Assemblies. All parents, families and friends are welcome 



Harvest Display

Our pupil school council members, together with Mrs Lyness, decorated the porch area of St Mark's Church with food donated from parents for the Harvest Festival Service

What can you expect from St. Mark’s Church?


  • A warm friendly greeting on arrival at our Sunday Service;
  • Offering you a safe, none-judgemental space to explore your spirituality, offering advice and wisdom if you need it;
  • Accepting who you are;
  • Relevant, inspiring sermons that uplift and empower;
  • Security, and support for when the soul is weary.


'The vicar's pastoral role is extremely valuable and this is warmly acknowledged by all. Her dedication is exemplary and inspiring. Her involvement in the leading of worship and in RE teaching is significant, and the spiritual development of all pupils is impressive'

SIAMS Inspection Report February 2019


Rev Eileen Heaney                  email:      Church telephone  01704 889355 


For Christenings, Weddings, Funerals and Pastoral visits please contact Reverend Eileen Heaney,

telephone number 01704 889355   email:


Teach me your way, O Lord and I will walk in your truth    Psalm 86.11


Parish Hall 

The hall is available for meetings, dances, parties, and receptions as long as these activities are arranged via a church member.  For further information contact Ms Jules Emmett, telephone number 07792351414  


Food Bank

Please help support our local food bank. Donations can be left at the back of the church or in the school reception area. Thank you.


Magazine Subscription

If you would like to receive a regular copy of our church magazine, please contact Mrs Janet Hinton,  telephone number 01704 889229  


It really is useful to keep up to date with news from our church. Please contact our Magazine Editor Pam Luscombe on telephone number 01704 631765 or email:


Memorial Fund

We thank all of you that use this fund to remember the passing of loved ones in lieu of flowers or to remember anniversaries and other important occasions.


Children's Group

Further information to follow

It is a time for the young people to have fun whilst learning more about Jesus.

Please contact Rev. Eileen Heaney     email



