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Nursery Provision




All 3 and 4 year old children in Lancashire are entitled to up to 15 hours of free childcare for 38 weeks of the year funded by the government and for most working families this can rise to 30 hours per week. This is known as Free Early Education (FEE).


We offer up to 15 hours per week of part-time Free Early Education for all 3 and 4 year old  children a year before they commence full-time education. Our nursery sessions are Monday to Friday between 8.30am and 12.50pm. Nursery children may stay for lunch, either by bringing their own packed lunch or purchasing a school dinner.  Parents can choose how they wish to use free funding childcare, for example, they may choose to attend St Mark’s School for 3 mornings a week using 9 hours and use the remaining hours of their entitlement at another nursery setting.


If parents wish to apply for a nursery place at the school and use some or all of their free early education entitlement, application forms are available from the school office. If you would like more information about St Mark’s nursery provision please contact Mrs Oliver in the school office on 01704 880636. Further information regarding free early education is available on the school’s website under the Parents section.



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