Collective Worship
St Mark’s School is affiliated to the Church of England and has strong links with St. Mark’s Church.
Each day children participate in Collective Worship. Every month Collective Worship takes place in church when parents and friends are invited. Special events in the religious calendar such as Christmas, Harvest and Easter are also celebrated in church.
Parents have the right to request that their child does not attend collective worship or participate in Religious Education lessons. Please contact the Head teacher if you wish to discuss this.
During the term each class has an opportunity to share their learning experiences with the whole school, parents and friends.
We take part in the Christmas Ecumenical Service together with other local primary schools and churches.
'Worship is at the very heart of school life, welcoming and inspiring everyone, regardless of the faith position'
SIAMS Inspection Report February 2019
Our School Prayer
This is our school,
Let peace dwell here.
Let the rooms be full of happiness.
Let love live here.
Love for one another,
Love for mankind,
Love for life itself,
And the love of God.
Let us remember that
as many hands build a house.
So many hearts make a school.