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School Nurse

Role of the School Nurse and Contact Information


School Nurses are Specialist Community Public Health Nurses. They are qualified Nurses or Midwifes with specialist graduate level education in community health and the health needs of school aged children and young people.

School Nurses lead and coordinate the Healthy Child Programme 5-19 and are equipped to work at community, family and individual levels. They are skilled in identifying issues early, determining potential risk and providing early intervention to prevent issues escalating.


Virgin Care's 'Lancashire Healthy Young People and Families Service'


All enquiries go through the main phone line 0300 247 0040 where an admin staff member will take the details and ask the school nurse on duty to call you back. There is a nurse on duty every day 9am until 5pm.

If the enquiry can be dealt with by the duty nurse they will give the relevant advice on the day. If further support is needed it will be allocated to a member of the team to provide the ongoing support to the family.


