The safety and wellbeing of all children and young people is of paramount importance. At St Mark's School we regard the safeguarding of our children as our main priority. Parents and carers send their children to school each day with the expectation that the school provides a safe and secure environment in which the children can florish. We have to ensure that this expectation becomes reality. In order to achieve this, a wide range of measures and additional policies are put into place.
At St Mark's we will ensure that:
Safeguarding children and young people is everyone's responsibility. Should you have any concerns about a child, you can use any of the contacts below
Designated Safeguarding Lead - Mrs Marilyn Freeman - - 01704 880636
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead - Mrs Judith Piper - - 01704 880636
Designated Governor for Safeguarding and Protection - Mr Gary Fairbrother - - 01704 880636
Local Authority Designated Officers (LADO)
Tim Booth/Shane Penn/Donna Green - 01772 536694 -
'Leaders have established a strong safeguarding culture at the school'
Ofsted Inspection Report January 2023